To hell with Marines, to hell with Marauders, and for the fuck of it, fuck Medivacs. The Marine and Marauder combo is honestly OP and I don't give a damn what anyone has to say. Tier 1 wins 90% of their games? Sure, fuck it. More thoughts after the break.
I've been playing Blizzard games since I was a kid and at 12 I played World of Warcraft for the first time and I still am. I don't know when my first game of Starcraft was as a kid but I do remember waiting for Brood War to come out so I could try all the cool new stuff; I was born in 1992 and Brood War came out in '98. Games are what I do and live for, and as pathetic as it sounds in my own head, it's the truth. Some people love cars. Some people love stamps, even. I love video games. Real video games, too. Not games like Farmville or Mafia Wars. Real games that interact with real people on different strategic levels and compete if necessary.
I'm going to watch some replays until I get better. The terran are favored by Blizzard and the public, but they're my least favorite race to play. It makes me a sad, sad person. I've been interested in Zerg for the past few days recently, but protoss still hold a place in my heart.
If anyone out there has some tips or wants to practice together, leave a comment or add me on
My name is Sonaan and I'm pretty sure this website shows my email address, which is obviously my